Join an Evening Session on the Alexander Technique Weds 29th January, 6.30-8pm, t the Family Practice, 116 Gloucester Road, BS7
What is the Alexander Technique? My teacher, Don Weed, Founder of the Interactive Teaching Method Alexander Technique describes it as, "The study of thinking in relation to movement."
How does it work? The technique is based on the knowledge that thinking causes movement. By changing the way we think to be more constructive, we can change the way we move, bringing more ease, and more freedom, with less effort to all of our activities in life.
Who is the technique for and how can it help? Well if you're a human who moves it can work for you - hint - we ALL move ALL the time (breathing is movement!) This work is for anyone who uses their body and wants to find more efficient ways to go about it: from yoga practitioners to actors, musicians and athletes; from designers to CEOs, and anyone seeking a framework for carrying out a movement successfully and enjoyably - be it downward dog, typing on a laptop, presenting to a client, singing, kicking a football, playing an instrument or dancing.
How do you know? My experience in movement has shown this to be true. I've been teaching yoga in Bristol since 2009 and practicing for over 25 years (read my bio) - I've found that by adopting the principles outlined in the technique we start down a path of constant, reasoned improvement, through which our manner of using ourselves in life can be a constant influence for good.
What do I have to "do" to do the Alexander Technique? Here's the good news: The technique doesn't teach you something new to do. It's all about doing less! In fact, doing just what you need to to accomplish any activity and no more. "It teaches you how to bring more practical intelligence into what you are already doing; how to deal with habit and change."
Will it stop my shoulders (neck / knees / hips) from hurting?
This work is not a quick win, no one will "fix you" in this technique. A bit annoying when your shoulders are hurting but actually one of the reasons I love this work. It's something you can use for yourself, anytime you like, to help you to both prevent injury and stop doing anything that might be interfering with a smooth recovery.
Day to day reality for me? Speaking as both as a yoga teacher and a communications manager (aka someone who divides my time between attempting to do gravity defying things with my body and tapping away at a laptop) this work helps me to approach new challenges like a satisfying puzzle to untangle, gives me a framework for reaching goals, brings more enjoyment in movement - and I find I have less injuries + quicker recovery times.

"The Alexander Technique doesn't teach you something new to do. It teaches you how to bring more practical intelligence into what you are already doing... how to deal with habit and change." Frank Pierce Jones, Freedom to Change